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From papers to persons #1 (Open letter)


"His poetry reflects her eyes
His chamomile tea starts her day
His arms soothe her soul
And his smiles mark her way.

His words make her swing
His hands, caress her hair
His purity throws away her pain
And his heart mirrors that she's fair."

I want this 'him' to be you. You're all that I could ever wish for. 
Failing in love doesn't mean you stop loving. If I'd fail at convincing you this time and I'd give up for all the difficult months, I don't know if you'd call me back or even you'd text me the way you're doing now. But I know that the world would continue running and I would be beside some other man one day. This is universally acknowledged. And so are you going to be. You haven't failed in love, you know? Because you didn't run out of it. You stood for your love till the end, till she entirely vanished from your life. So you won the match! 

And I'm doing the same. I'm not running out of the match. I am holding onto you, counting upon you not to hold my hand and make me your girl but to lend you a shoulder to think that second chances exist and that one wrong person can't make everyone else who cares for you; invaluable in your life. Every person holds a different value for you. Each is irreplaceable.

I've not been the one you've been mad after. But I'm definitely the one whom you could revert after a bad day. I've not been the one whom you badly desired, you loved like anything. But I've been the one whom you could trust and count upon whenever you needed a support system. Every individual has his and her own good sides. Look at them closely. What's gone can never come back again unless you want it to - maybe in different forms.

All I want for you is you to come out of the dark world back into the satisfying life and start living once again. Not for the sake of living but for loving and being loved back by the people around you. You are special to many and you just have to believe in that magic that I believe in. You've tried to adore me, but it didn't work out just right. That doesn't mean you would stop trying - be it me or anyone else around you. 

But for that, you need to gather up into your shape once again. Hold up your chin, my boy, for you're stronger than ever. And you will have to step into a different world being not a different person who has forgotten to love madly but the one who's starting to fall for real and who's gonna get mad for the right person in his life! 

Never let wrong people influence you to judge the right ones. Influence yourself for the better! To secure people's emotions and to accept love is divine. And loving them back with truth is bliss, though it doesn't always have to be reciprocated in the same manner. 

I'd rather say that I don't want that red shade of love which was once hers. I want to create mine. If hers was darker, I want to see you covered in another red that would be shinier for sure. And that makes all the difference! 



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