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Celebrate lights, not sound!

Celebrate Lights, not Sound!

Despite being writing and terming Diwali as the festival of lights, we are deeply engaged in turning the festival into a festival of sound. The festival's origin according to the Hindu mythology is the sheer joy and happiness that was expressed by the people of that time on the return of Lord Rama along with his wife, Sita after the victory over the demon - Ravana. Apart from the traditional belief, some modern communities take it just as a festival of lights that mark the victory of brightness (Positivity) over darkness (Negativity). Be that as it may, focusing on the title and yes, keeping the 'Pollution' thing aside, I'd like to put a very relevant question here. 

"Are we really celebrating Diwali as a festival of lights?"

Now, I am not doubtful of your answers. Because, clearly we see how we really are celebrating the festival. It is a clear concept that along with development, comes the negative side of the same. But, to what extent do we consider development of our culture? To what extent do we believe that our tradition, culture or any other name that you'd give to beautiful occasions that e have been celebrating for years will attain the thing called 'purity' someday?

I've seen many writing and objecting the burning of crackers in the name of pollution and many other things. They aren't cent percent false or cent percent true too! Talking about the core level is good, but first, let us focus on the ground level. Do we really need the sound and noise from lights?
Let's just imagine a lamp being flown above in the sky and a rocket in the sky. The former is a sign of beauty and calmness while the latter is just the opposite.

So it is required for us to maintain the purity of the festival and celebrate lights and not sound.

©Anindita Janhabee Swaro


  1. True and a good argument put forth. Very different since it doesn't centre itself only the pollution things and explores a whole new point. The writer is impressive! Keep writing and unbiasing things :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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